Introducing Our New Brave Thinking Institute Certified Coach
Ready-Made Website Collection

Designed by coaching professionals exclusively for Brave Thinking Institute coaches.

To get started, click the “Preview Site” link on any of the designs above that interest you.
From the Preview page of any design, you will have the option to preview that website, and select that design.

A Fully Done for You Website That Can Grow As Your Business Grows

Unlike most website templates, these beautiful and modern designs are FULLY DEVELOPED websites. The design, copywriting and graphics have been done for you.

Simply have any template customized with your name, contact information and a few sentences added to your “About Me” page – and your site is ready to launch so you can begin growing your coaching business without any delays and deep pocket expenses you would experience with custom development.

Your website is flexible and can serve you long-term. Save hundreds and even thousands of dollars by starting with a Brave Thinking Institute Ready-Made Website. As your business and brand grows and evolves, you can choose to come back in at any time to make revisions and further customization. Add a logo, edit any of the content or photos, add pages, and even change the website colors. You are in control of your website.

Each Website Includes:

Unlike most website templates, these beautiful and modern designs are FULLY DEVELOPED websites. The design, copywriting and graphics have been done for you.

Simply have any template customized with your name, contact information and a few sentences added to your “About Me” page – and your site is ready to launch so you can begin growing your coaching business without any delays and deep pocket expenses you would experience with custom development.

Your website is flexible and can serve you long-term. Save hundreds and even thousands of dollars by starting with a Brave Thinking Institute Ready-Made Website. As your business and brand grows and evolves, you can choose to come back in at any time to make revisions and further customization. Add a logo, edit any of the content or photos, add pages, and even change the website colors. You are in control of your website.

Each Website Includes:

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Professionally Designed 12+ Pages

Each website is professionally designed by leading industry professionals just for Brave Thinking Institute Coaches and contains 12+ fully built-out pages.

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Mobile Responsive

Being mobile responsive means your new website will look great on smart phones and tablets.

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Easy Editing in Elementor for WordPress

Each website is designed within the popular website platform WordPress, and comes with Elementor – a user-friendly editing tool for updating text, images, adding additional pages and more.

Copy Icon

Pre-Written, Editable Page Copy

All page content is written for you with the exception of a 1 or 2 paragraph bio that will be added to the “About” page. All page copy is fully editable if you want to further customize it.

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SEO Ready

Your new website comes with basic, easy to use, SEO tools to enable you to further optimize your pages.

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Beautiful Graphics Pre-Installed

Graphics are included in your website. Customize the home page and about page with your photo. If you wish to replace or add additional images, the site is fully editable.

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Configured Blog

Your blog module will enable you to be seen as the expert in your industry and connect to your target market. We have included 10 articles to get you started. Add additional posts at your pace.

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Social Media Links

Your website comes ready to link to all the popular social media platforms.


Discovery Session Page​

Discovery session page with intake form for pre-qualifying prospects that easily connects to your Calendly account.

How the Checkout Process for Your Website Works

STEP 1 – Browse & Select Your Ready-Made WordPress Website

Preview the ready made websites and make your selection. You will be guided step by step to access your website files.

STEP 2 – Select Your Certification Level

Provide your name and email address, then select your certification level – either DreamBuilder Coach or Life Mastery Consultant.

STEP 3 – Agree to the Terms of Use

STEP 4 – Receive Your Download Links

An email will be sent to you with a link to download your website in a .zip file and important getting started details.

STEP 5 – Choose Your Level of Support

A) Hire a professional to help you install and customize your new website (recommended for most – some support options included)
B) Decide to do it yourself if you are very comfortable with editing WordPress sites (instructions will be provided in your delivery email) 


Get Started Now! Browse and Select Your Ready-Made Website

Click the “Preview Site” link on any of the designs above that interest you.
From the Preview page of any design, you will have the option to preview that website, and select that design.

Frequently Asked Questions


How much are the templates? How much will it cost to create a website?

The ready-made websites we are providing you are FREE. They have all of the branding you need that relates to your status as a certified coach, and you will have the ability to make any changes that you desire. However, the hosting of your website and your professional email from Google Workspace is available for a low monthly or annual fee.

Note: These websites contain 12+ pages. The going rate to design and develop a website like this ranges between $5,000 or even more when you factor in the copywriting, design of the lead magnet, and blog artices. These sites are fully expandable and customizable, and can grow as your business grows. Even if you choose to hire a professional to help you install and customize your site, and it costs you $300-$500, you can easily see the value and savings of starting with one of these ready-made website.

The answer is YES! Your website is flexible and can serve you long-term. Save hundreds and even thousands of dollars by starting with a Brave Thinking Institute ready-made website. As your business and brand grows and evolves, you can choose to come back in at any time to make revisions and further customizations. Add a logo, edit any of the content or photos, add pages and modules, and even change the website colors. You are in control of your website.

There are no limits, as you will have full control over your website. Be mindful of any image and text copyright laws when you add new images or content to your site.. If you plan to make significant changes to your website, you may want to consider bringing in a website professional unless you are really comfortable with the website editing tools.

Yes, these new websites are fully mobile responsive and will look beautiful on all devices – a desktop or laptop computer, a tablet and a smartphone. (Note: Websites can be viewed and accessed by any device, but any edits or customization you do to your website should be done from a desktop or laptop computer. The website editor is not designed for mobile devices.)

Getting a domain name (Website name) is one of the most vital steps in building a website. A domain name is a unique web address that can be acquired through domain registration. Usually, domain names consist of a website name and a domain name extension. Example: or A good domain strengthens your branding and helps your audience find your website.

Some of the reasons why you need a new domain name for your business:

Website memorability – your audience can technically visit your website by entering its IP address. However, it is difficult to remember since it consists of a string of random numbers. Domain names make a site more accessible to users.

Effective branding – a well-thought-out domain name helps convey your project or business’ values and mission.

Credibility – websites with custom domain names look more professional than those with a free subdomain, such as

Custom email addresses – a domain name lets you create professional business email accounts, like It also makes your presentation consistent throughout different online channels.

SEO – a memorable domain name with relevant keywords will positively impact your website’s search engine optimization, improving its rankings on Google

Where to get a domain name: 

There are many companies where you can purchase a domain name. Some of the most popular places include:, (recommended),, to name just a few. Many of these companies also offer website hosting. You do not have to host your website with the same company you purchased the domain name from. For an example, WordPress website users might purchase their domain name through but choose to host their website with because of the enhanced services, performance and security options WPEngine offers. The choice is purely yours.

With all options, you will own that website name for a set period of time – usually 1 to 5 years. At the end of the period you will need to renew the domain name to continue using it. If it expires, your website will cease to function. With most companies, you can set your domain to renew automatically by connecting it to your PayPal account or credit card. PayPal is a safer option as credit cards expire, and if you are not paying attention to automatic payments, an expired credit card can mean your website name is not renewed and will interrupt your service.

VERY IMPORTANT: Keep a record of where you purchased your domain name, your username and password, as well as the expiration date of your domain name. Make a copy of this information and put it in a safe place where you can easily find it. If you choose to use a different website platform or hosting company in the future, you can take your website name with you, but only by logging in to the site where you purchased the website domain name to change the hosting information.

Yes. A domain name is just your website’s address, while web hosting stores all your website data and files. Without web hosting, your website is nonexistent, and your domain name would point to nowhere.

With WordPress, there are many hosting providers you can choose from and hosting plans vary based on security features, traffic, storage, etc. Some popular choices include: (recommended if you are going to install and customize the site yourself), and many others. Compare features and don’t be swayed by price alone. Beware of the super cheap hosting offers. A good hosting plan with enhanced security, SSL certificate, enough bandwidth, plugin monitoring and support will cost approx. $30/mo.

For example, WPEngine offers great customer support, enhanced performance for WordPress sites, and a hack-proof security guarantee. They also perform many automated updates that can save you lots of time and money in the long run. The benefits and support options vary widely, so be sure to carefully compare plans and take into account some of the extra features and support that you might need. Sometimes a more expensive hosting plan will cost you less in the long run if you have to hire out regular support, plugin monitoring and maintenance with cheaper hosting plans.

IMPORTANT NOTE: IF YOU PLAN TO HIRE SOMEONE TO SUPPORT YOU WITH YOUR WEBSITE, CHECK WITH THEM BEFORE SIGNING UP WITH A HOSTING COMPANY. They may provide excellent hosting options, or can guide you into what’s best for your particular needs.

Customers look for legitimacy before deciding to work with a business. So, if you’re looking to brand your business as legitimate and professional, you should use a professional email address.

Company branding ensures potential customers understand your brand and makes you look professional. Just like you’d have a custom URL for your website rather than something like, you also need a professional email address to provide consistent branding. It shows that you’re a professional, and that you’re trustworthy.

Just think about it: Would you rather receive a business email from, or

As you grow your staff, this is especially important. Why? Because you can use the same format for every other email address when you have a domain email address. For example, you can use or first[initial] That provides consistency in your business, and customers can easily remember the formula for your company email addresses.

Even if you’re a one-person operation, you can create a new email address for different aliases such as sales and customer service. In addition, it’s more efficient to have separate emails for different business functions. If you hire for those roles one day, you can simply assign those email addresses to other employees.

What happens when your marketing manager, for example, leaves, taking their email with them? If they were using it to conduct business for your organization, you wouldn’t be able to access those emails. On the other hand, if you set up an account under the person’s name, you can redirect those emails to your newly hired marketing manager.

A domain email is available for a low monthly fee. You can set up your domain email with Google Workspace. CLICK HERE to get started.

When to do it yourself…

If you’re already experienced in editing and managing WordPress websites, this may be a good option for you.

When to hire a professional …

If you are inexperienced in working with WordPress websites, if you are technology shy, or if you’re looking to make more advanced customizations such as color changes, adding or removing sections, adding new modules, creating new pages, etc., we HIGHLY recommend that you hire a professional to help you install and personalize your website with your information.

For your convenience, we have complied a small list of professionals and freelance services who can assist you with hosting, installation, and everything else you need to get your website up and running.

»» Hire a professional »»

In addition, they may also offer additional services such as content and graphics creation, regular updates to plugins and software, marketing, content editing support, SEO, and more.

Whatever your decision, remember to “stay inside your zone of genius” and realize that YOUR time is valuable.The most successful coaches outsource the things they are not proficient in whenever they can so they can be fully focused on their clients and building their business.